Browse Through Our Articles
As part of our mission to promote the education of the general public on how best to interact with animals and the earth around us, Common Sense for Animals has assembled a collection of articles that fit within each of our six pillars. Find a topic that interests you and get ready to learn something new today.
Unconditional Love
While I can’t remember a day in my life without an animal at my side. I remember the...
Call of the Wild
“Deep in the forest a call was sounding, and as often as he heard this call,...
Where Have All the Songbirds Gone?
Where have all the songbirds gone? Long time passing. Where have all the songbirds gone? From long time ago. Where have all the songbirds gone Pesticides poisoned them most every one When will we ever learn? When we ever learn? Inspired by...
Why My Heart is in the Amazon Rainforest, and Your Heart Should Be There Too
Floating up a tributary of the Amazon River I watch a group of young Amazon River Otters splash along the banks, as the river dances through the indigenous Peruvian villages. “The River of Life,” I fondly call this black waterway, a swaying...
Are Zoos Necessary?
Are Zoos Necessary? By Thornton W Blease Have you ever wondered if we should accept definitions from the past without challenge? Should we accept the definitions,...
The gray wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or, simply, wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora. The gray wolf is the largest member of the family Canidae and also the most...